Friday, December 21, 2012

Hiroshima-shi and a few thoughts.



There has been a lot on my mind of late. In between my classes, strolling on the sea wall at dusk, or  laying in bed at night, I find myself constantly thinking. I think about the lives lost in Connecticut last week. I think about the sweet life lost in our community just a week ago. I think about December 21st: the "end of the world". I see Hiroshima and the bones of battle, and I think about all the lives involved in that devastating world war.
I think about life.
I contemplate how precious our days are and how little time we have left. I read this verse and I listen to this and  I'm filled with urgency.
It hits me that we don't have tomorrow. Heck, we don't even have the next minute.
Our lives are like the dust...there one second and blown away the next. Life is short, my friends. Nothing is to be taken for granted.  Every minute on this earth is a gift. Every second is simply a blessing, and we are given the great choice of what to do with it.
All this makes me think. It makes me appreciate. It makes me more and more grateful every moment. I want to snatch them all up and take them captive. I want to wring all the life I can out of each minute...
And here we are: 3 days until Christmas. The day when we celebrate the new life of saving grace that was born into the world 2000 years ago. Don't you think that's ironic? In the midst of all this death we're celebrating new life...
Do you know what the great thing about Christmas is? With Christ born into the world, I no longer have to worry about death. Now, death is simply a birth into the life I was meant to live in the first place. Isn't it a lovely thought? I wasn't meant for this earth anyway. To die would be to go home.  Death has no hold.  
It's all just a reminder. A reminder of how beautiful and precious life is. How temporary life is,  and what a miracle life is. My mind is set. I'm determined to live life like it's my last day. Because if you really think about it, it very well may be.
So I don't worry about death. I don't worry about December 21st, or how many days I have left on the earth. Instead, I'm learning to live in the moment. Because that is all we're guaranteed for now.
I'm sorry. I know this was a rambling post; but I felt like I needed to write. These are simply my thoughts on a page Thank you for taking the time to read...even if it is mundane;)
As always,

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