Monday, July 30, 2012


This weekend has been tough. There's no way around it. Everyday has been filled with tears and goodbyes, and I have been feeling like I simply cannot breathe. If I really truly take the time to breathe and absorb everything, I'm afraid that I will break. I'm afraid that breathing in and over thinking all these goodbyes will make my faith small and my mind focused on things other than God. I'm afraid that simply breathing will allow my heart to feel the pain of this move, and I won't be able to go.

But now it's Monday.
And Monday brings a new week. A week void of goodbyes, and full of enjoying where God has brought us. A week to learn how to breathe again and enjoy the little blessings that God drops around me.
Because when I get to Japan, I want to breathe with my whole being. I want to enjoy riding my little blue bike down the winding streets of our small seaside town. I want to savor hiking the mountains by the water and feeling the Japanese breeze through my hair. I want to look at our little old neighbors and appreciate the wisdom that comes with the lines around their eyes.
When I get to Japan, I don't want to look back and be sad. I want to look at the day I'm given and see where God has brought me. I want to be like Moses and recount the blessings that He has given, and the promises that He has kept. I want to look forward to the future and be happy because I will get opportunities to breathe more and more.
Because living without breathing in this world is like wasting a beautiful gift. 
And I wouldn't want to do that at all:)

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